The boldest of all writing this is. In a cry for freedom of expression, this is it. What the words implicate doesn't really matter. It is just fiction afterall. There is a fine line between fiction and truth. For all you know, the scriptures and sacred texts that have been worshipped for aeons are but the careful sculpture of artists long forgotten. This last piece of work aims to challenge this point. Are we so sure of ourself that what contradicts our belief is blashphemy. Or is this the greatest joke of all?
Once again, the poem visits the idea of worthiness as a sin. A double betrayal removes all of Zente's claim over his creation. While he is reduced to what he is as seen in Rebirth, elethieal has found a new ruler. Of which whom I speak not. The lightbringer on the other hand, sits in a new hell and takes the blame for all the destruction in the human world. They now call him Satan.
Disclaimer: Fiction offends no one except those who seek to be offended.