< Zentenism
Sunday, February 19, 2006

From boardroom to bedroom
We can choose to ignore it or opt for disbelieve, but is in an indispuitable truth that years of stuggle for gender equality have gave birth to a new breed of women. Those dressed in the most expensive chanel fragrance, black suit lady boss, whose paycheck doubles the male counterpart her age. It seems that the extra quarter of the last human chromosome is fianally showing what its made of. Yes, we know that the not-so-fortunate Y chromosome with a missing leg is resposible for building the Great Wall of China, for deriving E=mc2 and propelling the French revolution. But in today's world, whoever helms the boardroom calls the shot. Who really cares if you are male, female or somewhere inbetween. There have been articles claiming that someday, the puny Y chromosome of yours would not be needed anymore, existing no more than a frozen emergency sample in a spermbank. Are men doomed for extinction, by the genetic technologies they created? Who wins the fight in the little aspects of everyday life?

He: Dad has taught him that its a men's thing to shave and look smooth. So he spends 5 minutes with his gillette trying to get the perfect 5 o'clock aftershave. But dad never taught him the proper way to brush and floss.
She: Mom did. It never got into him, but she knows hygiene is important. She takes as long as she needs to get that pearly white smile that blinds. She then concern herself with the little imperfections of her complexion. Trim her nails and do the polishing touch up. She knows she can never look too pretty.
The winner: She wins. Men never understood the idea of pampering himself.

He: Makes himself a cup of milo - his favourite drink since the days he played soccer - and grabs the ham and cheese sandwich. Occasionally, he throws in some eggs or bacon. A bar of chocolate is always around should he feel hungry on his way to work.
She: Blends a glass of Latte. Who knows how long she takes to make it comparable with Starbucks. And, thats it. Thats all for breakfast. Anything more and she risk getting fat.
The winner: He. Of course. What is more important than breakfast? Its the prime meal of the day.

He: Fires up his black Mazda 3. Spends 5 minutes doing nothing because he knows the engine needs to warm up. ERP doesn't matter.
She: Revs up her red Honda Integra. She pauses too, but thats to check on her lashes. And she have not forgotten to check through her documents, making sure everything is in place and ready for the 9 o'clock meeting.
Winner: He. Why would anybody buy an Integra? Even then...you ought to take good care of it.

He: Arrives just in time for the meeting. But holy shit! He have forgotten that piece of document he spent the last night on. That had cost him to miss his EPL match. And he forgot to bring it along to the meeting? Damn. But Mr Cool here knows how to handle it. This had happened countless times. He tasks his secetary to get another copy printed. His blackberry does not download and print wirelessly for nothing.
She: Its already 930. She is late(As expected. Look at her morning routine again). She knows. She returns the chairman's stare and askes "Is Mr Cool ready?" All eyes set on him now. He is dumbstruck. Just what is taking his secetary so long. The Blackberry?Possibly.
The winner: She. Because somewhere, somehow, woman were sold this idea of "fashionably late". The men don't get it.

He: His proposal didn't fall through. The boss prefers her marketing solution. Damn. he should have just watch the EPL. He is not pissed, but dismayed. Yet he smiles. He cannot show discontent because afterall, he ought to be a gentlemen.
She: Had she lost, she would have had him by the balls(have I mentioned those heels). She would have stormed into her boss's office and requested a reconsideration. One way or another, she is gonna have it. Her thighs are unbelievably tempting and so is her oratory daunting. The boss gotta give in or she will quit.
The winner: Well, she wins. Make no mistake, this is not about 'sex sells'. Its all about playing to one's strength. Whatever works, works. The truth is, the boss is not up to it. He is afterall, a man. He gives in the same way he lays his life to his wife.

He: Lunch time and he flips Straits Times, Forbes, whatever interest him. He is never alone, and without conversation with his buddies. Soccer, stocks, woman(including the one he faced off with), beer, women...beer?
She: She flips Cleo, but only to look at what to shop for over the weekend. For now, she has got a burger(Ouch!) to fill her stomach as she works through lunch.
The winner: He. The greatest sin next to not working is working too hard. Lunch is a time for rest. Oh come on!

He: The coporate function has ended, and he is sending her home. But of course, her Integra broke down. He vaguely remembers Chanel in the morning but now he smells Estee Lauder. She sits laid back, tired. The result of working too hard. He notices the elliptic curl of her eye lashes. But like all men, he keeps quite and pay no compliment.
She: The midtone of his Boss Soul smells seduction. She smirks as Class95 plays their midnight love songs. She says "nice shave"(see, dad is right). She feels comfortable around him, but she convinces herself that she is still too young for such thoughts. She is only 25(remember the paycheck?).
The winner: What do you think?

- posted by zente at 6:48 PM

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