< Zentenism
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I had an early start today, reporting to work after a one hour bus ride. This is how the monotonous working life begins. Home, work, sleep, work, home, sleep and it goes on. I think I will throw my exercise routine back into the morning.
The experience was an eye-opener and it felt more like an intership then a mere mundane inventory job. I was invited to sit in their staff meeting and saw how the boss dealt with allocation of jobs. I believe such an experience with management will prove vital in the days to come. A close look at how the purchasing and sales department operates left me with much to learn. Its amazing how such simple entreport trading can earn the company profits. Much more to learn and I certainly enjoy it. I believe my time now is seriously well spent.
There is however some problems surfacing already. With the announcement of standby status, my work might be interrupted by any activation. Plus, Mr ooi called today saying that I will be teaching the topic Electronics instead. I need time to prepare myself before I teach in Yuhua later this month.
My plan is simple. I intend to keep working until mid July. That is about 4 months of work. The whole idea is to remain finacially independent and upgrade myself to the status of being finacially stable. There is a fine difference. Alot of my friends have asked me to go overseas, to play this and learn that sport; dive and pick up that language. I can't help but turn all this down. To me, all this are a form of indulgence-even the learning of a new language. Simply put, things are either needs or wants. I believe that all this things are secondary. One should not splurge on such stuff. Going overseas is infact the most expensive of all and I don't understand why everyone is suddenly so excited about travels because of ORD. Sorry guys, count me out.

- posted by zente at 6:47 AM

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