And so it goes... I have been jittery all day. Constantly peaking at my phone to see if I have got a miss call. Every SMS or phone call sends currents of excitement down my spine. It felt worse than awaiting a lover's phone call.
And now, it seems like the wait is over. I have failed to get the scholarship. No wait. The word fail is invalid as I cannot find it within my dictionary. Putting it in a more positive light, I don't have a scholarship. There are three kind of people in this would and they each respond differently to sucha a situation.
The sour grapes says : It doesn't matter. It's not like its all good and I need it badly. Who bothers.
The bitter will dwell upon self-pity: Haiz... why...I deserve it. I need it. Words of despair and what have you.
Those who are truly great. Or those who used to be and are now of the fallen: Its a pity I missed it. But considering what I have already got, its only fair. Being born into greatness is as good as I should ask for. Afterall, it doesn't change who and what I am. My name is Kelvin the Fallen. And remember. The fallen never falls because it is pride which brought them down in the first place.
So cheers and bid farewell to absent friends, lost lovers, old gods and the seasons of the mist. And in which we give the devil his due.