I am lazy
Haiz...ok, I know I love to complain. But yeah, whats wrong, thats what breaks the monotony of life isn't it?(alternates between blogspot and mailbox...making some decisions...) YeaH and I was in office today, blogging on my samsung through wap. Guess what, blogspot hang on me twice. Imagine rewriting an entire blog entry only to have it vanish yet again. Gosh...
HAving read the few articles from funkygrad, I think I can really identify with the kind of school life I am going to lead when I go to SMU. If there is one way of describing it, its super competitive(...damn can't get my mind off work...decisions decisions....take the risk?). And my view, come what may. Competitive it might be, I am up to any challenge. BEcause I am pro. Come on man, challenge me, I am GOD. I am that good. I know... Well anyway, I may be pro but seriously, I am not beyond godlike...yet. Why? Because I am a slob.
Yes!!I think I am being lazy these days. And I need some serious discipline. I thought about it and this is a rough breakdown of how I spend my time in a week.
Monday to Friday 1.30am sleep 7.30am wake up 8.30 travel to work 930 start work. 5.30 end work 6.30 reach home, dinner bathe 7.30/8 catch up on my work and projects (exceot on wednesdat when I come home at 10 after tuition) 1.30-cycle repeats Sat or Sunday(1 of the 2 days) 9.30 wake up 10am tuition 5.30 end tuition. Go Home... Dinner, slack...and then usually waste time blogging or chatting on Msn. Bloody waste of time. Worse still, I dota. Unless there is work to do. The other weekend...sometimes go town study, sometimes slack unless there is work to do.
Based on the above, I calculate that I spend 6.5 hours sleeping, 2 hours on travelling 1 hours eating and bathing. Meaning 9.5 hours a day spent doing practically nothing constructive. Now, for the ebst part. Time spent studying averages 25mins/day. Cos I usually study only 2-3 hours per week.Time spent exercising. Haha, Zero.
I am turning into a slob. Gosh. For the whole month of much I didn't learn anything new for TA. All i did was six set of charts. OOO...Thats is 'so much'. At this rate, I probably won't be able to finish studying my TA by the time school starts. And with what I can already expect out of school, I probably will have no time for TA. Wrong, its not because I don't have time. I simply ain't managing my time properly...(look what am I doing now). My worst habit is turning on the comp the moment I reach home. Well, ok usually there are email from customers or from possible suppliers. Otherwise, I will just be on MSN talking rubbish. Arg!!!I need to gain steam and momentum!!!!
But well..haha..If I don't blog, where else can I pass superegoistic statements.