I, Zente
Part I: The KTF Guide
The words fail, sorry, lose and regret do not exist in the dictionary
You don't challenge me, I will challenge you. Even if I don't win, my pride is still here(Point to your heart)
It is not a matter of can or cannot; There is only will or will not.
I will therefore I can; I can therefore I will.
Nothing affects my mood without my permission.
If something bothers me, I will solve it.
Kelvin will speak of himself in the third person
"If you are sporting for a fight, stop talking and deal your blow. Just remember that you are going to face a lawsuit, lose all that you have and still get the beating of a lifetime."
If I cannot solve it, I will crush it.
Nice try, but this is the Ace of trump. Trump trump.
That ass punches before I finish my sentence - ouch that hurts - but so be it. Because saying "dude you punch like a hamster" is gonna strike him below the belt.
Pride is my sin. Will is my strength.
I am not being egoistic, this is just me.
A harder punch follows, live up to my words. He asked for it.
Even the greatest can fall. But the fallen does not.
Any title bestowed upon me must be preceeded by a "The". ie. Kelvin the Fallen.
If you are within my egosphere, prepare to be destroyed.
After the fight, dip the l;ads fist in an ice tumbler. I already won, now its time to show some benolevence.
There is no such thing as giving or receiving help.
I don't go back on my words. Should I send a lie?
Aim for the stars. Knowing that I will at least reach the moon. The concept of "failure" is still non-existent.
I can say "sorry", "regret", "lose" or "fail" if I like to. It doesn't matter what I say. It has no meaning since it is not in THE dictionary.
If you wish to mimic me, I am sorry. You are not even close.
Kelvin The fallen.
Next up in part II of I Zente...the 13 names I have been associated with...