Its late
...but the dreamlord still won't have me passing into his realm. I just can't fall asleep even though I am dead tired. Ironical isn't it? I am tired yet i couldn't sleep. First, my sisters were in my room and all the lights were on so I just tossed around in bed. Now they are off to bed, and I am alone. My mind just keep booming with ideas. Ideas for sales, ideas for marketing. Schedules to meet, my income next month. Arg, worthless thoughts that are flooding my mind for no good reasons at the moment. Oh, guess what I dreamt of last night. I couldn't believe it myself. I shall not talk about it, for fear of being plagued by the same kind of dreams again tonight.( Just cooked myself some noodles to fill my stomach.) Realise I haven't properly blogged for quite some time. Went to study with wong again today and did TA for equities for the first time. Gosh, the yahoo finance technical charts seriously need some polishing. Its terrible. Had meeting with the rest of the board after that. Wasn't the best of boardroom emulation but nontheless, it was a good 3 hours. Felt super tired after that, almost fell asleep while watching TV. Yet now when I seriously want to sleep I can't sleep. Haiz...spare me.... Guojun is right. My english needs some brushing up.