Mother's Day
Mother's day - A day which calls for celebration. We celebrate our love for whom gave birth to us. Shouldn't we all love our moms? They had us in their womb for nine long months before giving life to us. And then she taught us how to speak, how to walk and how to think. Thats why we grow up to become who we are today. Yet, I find that love remote. Ever since I have been taught to think, I have been exposed to the ugly side of it all. Slowly but surely, that innate love slipped away from me. Now, I feel uncomfortable because I cannot bring myself to identify with that love.I just can't convince myself to love her. I should, because everyone should. But I can't, even as I try. Yeah...looking forward to this friday's meeting and this Saturaday. Maybe I shall go to funtasia 2006. GaHaha