Symphony of the Angels
Hi, my name is Ron. I just got introduced to this new web thing called the blog and it seems like a pretty good idea to relieve myself of pressure. Work has been crazy over the past week. On top of that, samuel has been ill for almost 4 days. It seems his fever is getting worse by the day. Poor samuel, he was born blind. He has never seen how beautiful the world is. Poor boy. Grieves me to imagine how he feels. God, he is only 12. Had I sinned, punish me and not my child. Samuel is smart though, the doctor calls him an idiot savant and have been suggesting that I send him to a proper institute where he can develop his strengths. As a father, all i want is to take care of him and keep him as close by me as I can. He has suffered enough. I talked with him a little just now, here goes
Sam:Ron. Fetch me some water Ron Me:...(yeah, he always calls me by my name. Even as a toddler learning to speak, he spoke the words Ron before he called me dad. The first time he called me dad was when he was 7) Sam:I am thristy. Its so bright, is it morning? Me:No son, its 8. Almost time for bed. Sam:Ron, tell me about grandpa Ron Me:... (he is always asking for his grandpa. And all that I can ever do is to cook up a story. Because, like him, I have never seen my dad's face. Mom said he died before I was born.) Sam:Ron, are you still there? Me:Yes dear. I am here. Here. Sam:I wanna know about grandpa Me:Grandpa's gone to a land far away. A land where angel sing in symphony, where cherumbs sing their hymes in the name of god. Sam:Is he in heaven dad? Me:Yeah, Sure he is. Grandpa's a christian. Those who believe in god goes to heaven when they pass on. (thats one of the rare times he calls me dad.Ha) Sam:Ron, I don't think grandpa passed away before you were born. Me:Christ. What on earth are you saying son! Who told you that. (Damn!There he goes again. Sproting nonsense. Dad died before I was born. What does this brat here knows) Sam:Ron? Me:Samuel. Hear me. You will not sprout such nonsense about your grandpa. Hear me? Sam:Ok. I am sorry dad. But whats his name? Me:... ... ... (I wish I knew for certain Zen is really dad's name) Sam:Is he called Zen? Me:? (what the...) Sam:alright. I am sorry dad. Me: No, its my fault son. To be honest, I am not so sure myself. Grandpa passed on before I was born remember? Sam:He didn't...sorry...I didn't mean to.. Me:Its ok. Sleep child.Sweet dreams Sam:haiz...nite Ron Me:good night...
-Yeah, some guy just called me-. Says he is a volunteer from the institute of mental health. Wants to come over to visit samuel tomorrow. Whatever. I am reall puzzled. Sometimes, it seems like sam knows more about dad than I do.