Will to power
..damn, I actually planned to slack for awhile before I blog to rest abit. Real tired today, didn't really have the energy to go for tuition but somehow I found it. haha. Cos I am KTF. I can do whatever I will myself to do. ...busy.... Interviews tomorrow and I think its cruch time. I have spent 1 full year honing my boardroom and itnerview skills and have experince with several reputable companies. I don't see how I can't do well. And if boon chin can get scholarship, there is no aceptable reason why I cannot. ...busy.... Argg...my marketing efforts are behind schedule. And I can't really think now. Maybe its time to rest...doo...
ANyway, thom was saying that there is nothing to look forward to these days. Reminds me of how I felt some time back when life was really boring. Feels good to be strongly motivated and driven. Now all I have to do is to put everything in place in action. Should go fairly smoothly. I mean it will. Will.WILL.
I need to seek revelation in my dreams tonight. Great man never go back on their words. At least HE never goes back on his words. What if I made a promise and then on another occasion contradict my promise in another statement. Should I go back on my word by keeping my promise, or should I keep to my word and go back on my promise....hmmm...