I am Damn Bored!!!!!!! Sitting in SMU library, I can see a nice building across the road. But, no idea whatbuilding that is anyway. Its monday night and the last of 2 exams for the term is on thursday. I am left with a couple of chapters for biz law and there are some statutes to cover. Thats about it. Furthermore, its an open book exam. Whats there to study...seriously. Have been consistent throughout the term and even though i got pretty hung by the balls for the 25% mid term exam, I feel that I should just go in and take the paper now. Yeah..even the knowledge that I need an A+ for this paper to pull my grades back up is not helping. Am I slack, over confident or plain can't be bothered.Haiz... Everytime I get bored, I ask myself what is the one thing I wanna do. And for now...hell yeah!! I am in the library. The neural network journals!!! Wheeee!!!