Two sides of the coin. This is probably the last of it. Probably. Hopefully. Tuition is getting on me. Not because I can't afford the time. But rather, because of the time constrain that's being imposed on me. It sucks big time.
Yet another afternoon wasted. I had wanted to get a hair cut. Gym. Study. But look what I have just done. wasted the entire afternoon doing ONE fa balance sheet which doesn't even balance. This is SHIT. the last weekend was even better. 2 days spent on doing one bloody learning journal. Its good that I have got a great deal of free time. It shows that I am managing my time well. But hey, I can be putting all this time to good. Use. Look!!! exams are just around the corner, in fact its like 2 weeks ahead. I should be studying my biz law and FA. Or at the very least I should be having fun.!!!!
Ok, let me start by reminding myself of the goals for this term. GPA>4.0 HAHA. almost gone. I have written down my speculations to COmms: A- LTB B+ FA: A Biz Law B+ Which comes to around 3.5 This sucks
CEO talk next thurs. remember to remind pris. Jamboori next sat. Ok. remember to follow up. what elsE?