< Zentenism
Sunday, January 28, 2007

I don't know what to say about my weekend. Its almost useless. I slept till 12 on saturday and then went for waikiki recee at sentosa. Yes in the rain. After that, dinner at newton circus was outstanding. Though its expensive as well. Realise marilyn is too stubborn for me to waste my breath so I shall let her have her way and reap the benefits. Muahahaha. And thats it for my fucking saturday. I basically did nothing.
Oh well, I slept at 11 and woke up around 1 today. Spent like 1.5 hours studying my TWC and thats about it before going to school for TWC meeting. Came home to watch TV. Well I really like the show and was glad I managed to catch "The Apprentice" after missing it for a number of weeks. But then..gosh..I am so bloddy slack I wanna cry. Boo!

Don't compare me with others/ yourself. Just because you are slacker doesn't justify my time wasting. Ahh!!! Its not that I am spending too much time watching TV and such. Its part of having a balanced life. Its just that I am not optimizing time usage. Imagine the hours wasted sleeping, only to make me feel more lathergic in the day.

- posted by zente at 8:42 AM

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