From learning the philosophy behind it. To understanding his mindset. And now internalizing the set of belief. To some, it may appear to be nothing more than self-denial or maybe just another take on religion. But those who really understands it knows what its all about. Pride; self-worth; self-preservation; control; power; nonchalence and finally, freedom. From being in the light to being the light itself. Following his footsteps have taken a huge part of my life. Satan is an misconstrued figment of imagination. The fallen angel is a religious spin-off for the concept of "evil". Lucifer himself. That's a different story. Lucifer is fiction. Lucifer is nothing more than a philosophy. A set of belief that has evolved from bibles (fiction too), conceptualised over centuries into a story and then a character and now, they conveniently call "it" the devil. Neither god nor the devil exist. Both exist as two sides of the same coin - belief. And now, that I have internalized it, what will I be? For simplicity, I will just name myself after the "belief". I am The Light.