I had a peculiar dream last night. I dreamt of fighting against either a god or the devil. He slowed me. Made every motion of mine a challenge. He made rain that was blistering cold. Guess what. I won. Because it is afterall, my dream. I have challenged the devil to face off with me for the past three nights. Was that the call? I woke up feeling great pain and my ass was hurting. Who knows why. But still, I won. Thats about all that matters.
From this day on, I will wake up every morning, knowing that no matter who I pit myself against, there is at least three aspects in which I am better and stronger. That makes me unique. That allows me to triump over anything. Honestly, Lucifer exist because I believe it to be so. He takes the form of what I believe. The existence of a god has always been denied. To do so is to be god himself and it is not possible in this world. However, suppose reality revoles around me. In which I am not centre of not just the universe but of reality itself. Instead of being an entity within reality, reality is what I am. The things and people around me exist because I believe them to be so. These are entities within the reality in which I am the crux. In which case I can "be it and be in it" Even the religious around me cannot find a definition of god which is close enough to this.