I hopeit is just the alcohol. Cos right now, I feel my life going downhill. All aspects of my life seem headed to a crashing stop at the bottom of the hill. And I know the root cause. One of it is the fact that my mind is filled with negative thoughts. I need to flush it out of my system.I know I appear more emo to people around me. Be it good or bad, I care not. More importantly, I know I am being affected. If I were to rate myself, it will probably look like this:
Personal well being 3/10 Motivation 6/10 Morale 4/10 Will 2/10 Happiness 3/10
All this, as you can see here, is a clear exhibition of how negative I have become over the past 2 days.Gosh. I miss that feeling, feeling perfect the moment I open my eyes in the morning. I can't bring myself to enjoy even when I am out to have fun. Whatever small things that happen, the negative thought strikes me first. The positive side of it is no where to be seen.Yes, I feel fucked up now. I need guidance...... I want to get out of this soon. It seems like blogging won't give me the answers.
Fine,I give myself up to 12nn to willow in self pity. That's all.