< Zentenism
Friday, April 06, 2007

Your Prize: Natural Death by Old age.
Indeed, it is a prize. Considering that death will visit us eventually, there is no point running away from it. Afterall, I tend to think that we judge life and death by comparing ourselves with the person beside us. Instead of devaluing life, death makes life all the more valuable.
What's the purpose of mugging so hard?
Mugging is a mean to an end. Do not be mistaken, GPA is not the end. The resume is not the end. There is only one end afterall. Death. So then, whats the purpose of mugging? Then again death is the ultimate end of any decision and path that we make in our lives. What is the purpose of playing instead of mugging. Killing someone else instead of playing. Mutiliating oneself instead of killing someone else. Hard to find a common base line for all that's mentioned? Well there is. The satisfaction and realisation of freewill or autonomy underlies every single action we take, choice we make or ideas that spark in our heads. Yes. That itself is the purpose of life. If we are unable to make choices or act in accordance to our will, then we are as good as non living.
Why did I use Mugging as an example? Well all I wanted to show is that mugging is a means to good GPA, which is a means to a good resume which is itself a means of increasing the chances of having a good career and so on and so forth. Ultimately, we will still end with death. So lets take a look at each point separately. I look at each point along the process towards death as a benchmark of achievement. Achievment is what I seek. Consistent to the principal of free will, achievement becomes the purpose of my life. This is not to say that it is the sole purpose of life although the concept of achievement itself branches off into varying dimensions. What then is one step before death? Self-actualization? I don't know. What's one step before that. No idea too. But I do know that achievement is somewhere near that end.

One-liner: We are all gonna die, so just do whatever we want before we die. In my case, achievement is what I seek so anything that builds towards that is something meaningful in my life.

Term 2 review
Didn't attend any CEO talks. Unless I count in the fulbirght seminars.
Didn't network with any CEO's too.
Got into SIFE....check
Orgasized school event....check
GPA 4.0....still within control, unmet objective.

Point being. I should f**king buck up cos its f***king unlike me to set goals and don't work towards them.

For the past 2 days, the same problem has been bothering me. There are really many people out there who are more zai than me. I felt a little dismayed. But on the whole, I feel a sense of challenge. I will formalize my objectives for the next 9 years after term exams.

- posted by zente at 11:14 AM

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