< Zentenism
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Term 2 began well, Ended Fantastic. That's because I managed to achieve all the goals I laid out. SUmmer began well, was fantastic and then I had some setbacks. Morale was low. But now, just when school is about to begin once again, I can feel myself rising again. That is good. I will peak during school term.

Yr 2 term 1 is all about performance. And today, someone asked, how are you going to make a difference. Now, goal setting

Academic/Career Goals
Improve GPA. I don't like to shortchange myself. Lets try for 4.3 this term. Knowing that I achieve a GPA of 4.3 when I have hell lot of stuff going on during the term. Gosh, I will definitely feel high

Expand Network, lias with key positions in the industries. Leverage on connections with OCS.
Framework has been laid. I better achieve it.

Sell someone my own brand of shirt. Heh. A few pieces for a start.

Social goal
This is where I want to make a difference. I want to inspire people and see them motivated to fly. Like me, be positive.

Personal Development
As doro said, I agree that I tend to reflect too much. Its a good thing to reflect. But an overdose of reflection sets performance low by reducing morale. Learn to manage it. Reflect when the time is right. Fuck it when its time to perform. Between being positive and being negative, there is an option. Heck care, ignore temporary, perform.

Escalate pride to a new level.

Learn that silence is a form of restrained strength and that it is a weapon.

- posted by zente at 10:33 AM

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