I had a peculiar dream last night. I dreamt of fighting against either a god or the devil. He slowed me. Made every motion of mine a challenge. He made rain that was blistering cold. Guess what. I won. Because it is afterall, my dream. I have challenged the devil to face off with me for the past three nights. Was that the call? I woke up feeling great pain and my ass was hurting. Who knows why. But still, I won. Thats about all that matters.
From this day on, I will wake up every morning, knowing that no matter who I pit myself against, there is at least three aspects in which I am better and stronger. That makes me unique. That allows me to triump over anything. Honestly, Lucifer exist because I believe it to be so. He takes the form of what I believe. The existence of a god has always been denied. To do so is to be god himself and it is not possible in this world. However, suppose reality revoles around me. In which I am not centre of not just the universe but of reality itself. Instead of being an entity within reality, reality is what I am. The things and people around me exist because I believe them to be so. These are entities within the reality in which I am the crux. In which case I can "be it and be in it" Even the religious around me cannot find a definition of god which is close enough to this.
From learning the philosophy behind it. To understanding his mindset. And now internalizing the set of belief. To some, it may appear to be nothing more than self-denial or maybe just another take on religion. But those who really understands it knows what its all about. Pride; self-worth; self-preservation; control; power; nonchalence and finally, freedom. From being in the light to being the light itself. Following his footsteps have taken a huge part of my life. Satan is an misconstrued figment of imagination. The fallen angel is a religious spin-off for the concept of "evil". Lucifer himself. That's a different story. Lucifer is fiction. Lucifer is nothing more than a philosophy. A set of belief that has evolved from bibles (fiction too), conceptualised over centuries into a story and then a character and now, they conveniently call "it" the devil. Neither god nor the devil exist. Both exist as two sides of the same coin - belief. And now, that I have internalized it, what will I be? For simplicity, I will just name myself after the "belief". I am The Light.
On another note: There is always someone out there who is better, smarter, more capable or simply more well off. In other words, there is always someone out there to compete again, to surpass. It takes effort, time, focus and determination. There is no finishing line.
Hey dude, losing your focus yet again. Buck up or lose out. Simple rule to follow. Think I have been doing well lately. Hope it is not just a illusion of my slackness. Grades are still part of my short term goal. As of now, I don't feel like I am in control. Maybe I ain't feeling the urge to mug yet. Come to think of it, everyone can achieve what I have now if they sacrifice everything else, so what makes me special. i think its a challenge to maximise work and fun New mentality: to maximise enjoyment and performance at the same time.
Honestly, I think that i am a prodigy. I am fucking smart! HAHA. no wait. I am smarter than god,
Hey dude, losing your focus yet again. Buck up or lose out. Simple rule to follow. Think I have been doing well lately. Hope it is not just a illusion of my slackness. Grades are still part of my short term goal. As of now, I don't feel like I am in control. Maybe I ain't feeling the urge to mug yet. Come to think of it, everyone can achieve what I have now if they sacrifice everything else, so what makes me special. i think its a challenge to maximise work and fun New mentality: to maximise enjoyment and performance at the same time.
Honestly, I think that i am a prodigy. I am fucking smart! HAHA. no wait. I am smarter than god.
Hey dude, losing your focus yet again. Buck up or lose out. Simple rule to follow. Think I have been doing well lately. Hope it is not just a illusion of my slackness. Grades are still part of my short term goal. As of now, I don't feel like I am in control. Maybe I ain't feeling the urge to mug yet. Come to think of it, everyone can achieve what I have now if they sacrifice everything else, so what makes me special. i think its a challenge to maximise work and fun New mentality: to maximise enjoyment and performance at the same time.
Honestly, I think that i am a prodigy. I am fucking smart! HAHA. no wait. I am smarter than god.
Hey dude, losing your focus yet again. Buck up or lose out. Simple rule to follow. Think I have been doing well lately. Hope it is not just a illusion of my slackness. Grades are still part of my short term goal. As of now, I don't feel like I am in control. Maybe I ain't feeling the urge to mug yet. Come to think of it, everyone can achieve what I have now if they sacrifice everything else, so what makes me special. i think its a challenge to maximise work and fun New mentality: to maximise enjoyment and performance at the same time.
Honestly, I think that i am a prodigy. I am fucking smart! HAHA. no wait. I am smarter than god. No. wrong again. I am god.